Sunday, October 23, 2011

Getting excited about Audioboo

There is still something to be said for Workshop type PD. If I hadn't gone to Saskatoon it might have taken me longer to learn about Audioboo. After seeing it being used to create Podcasts and seeing how easy it was to use, I am going to be exploring this to do my Podcasts. In the session we explored other ways to use it. Assessing fluency, explaining math strategies, reading a story, etc. It is easy to record and then embed into a blog or blog post. 
This Web 2.0 tool is far easier to use. I will still investigate Audacity but I have this feeling I will find this one much easier to use. It generates an embed code instantly and it host your Podcasts. It is also SO EASY to use. I'll have more in the comping weeks. 
I can't wait to try this out some more.

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